Caso de racismo: Giovanna Ewbank e Bruno Gagliasso acionam advogados no Brasil

Após o episódio de racismo sofrido em um restaurante em Portugal, Giovanna Ewbank e o marido, Bruno Gagliasso já acionaram um grupo de advogados para que o caso seja levado à Justiça. Os filhos do casal, Titi e Bless terião sido hostilizados por uma senhora portuguesa

How Do I Know How Seriously To Take My Husband’s Affair?

I sometimes hear from wives who are trying to figure out just how serious a threat their husband’s affair is to their marriage. Some wives hope that the affair was just a fling that didn’t mean anything. I heard from a wife who said: “after my repeatedly asking him, my husband finally admitted to an affair. But he tried to make my feel better by telling me that the affair wasn’t serious. He said she didn’t mean anything to him and it was really ‘just a fling.’ However, I found out that the affair lasted for four months. If it wasn’t serious or real, why would he be involved for four months. Since I found out about the affair, my husband has been very attentive and loving. So I am torn. One of my friends tells me that any affair is serious and could destroy my marriage. But I have another friend who tells me that her husband had a fling once and it has long behind them because there was no emotional attachment. So how am I supposed to know how serious the affair truly was?” I’ll try to address these concerns below.

Forgiving Yourself After an Affair

Learning how to forgive yourself after an affair can be a daunting challenge if you do not know where to start. This article takes you through the process of forgiving yourself.

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