O carro e joias da advogada Deolane Bezerra foram apreendidos nesta quinta-feira (14) durante uma operação policial. Segundo conta, a Deolane estaria sendo investigada por um suposto crime contra a economia popular.
Tips for Dating A Married Man When You Have Children
Dating a married man when you have children may sound like a recipe for disaster. Yet, many women choose to get involved in these kinds of relationships. In this article I share the pros and cons of dating a married man when you have kids and provide helpful tips in how to navigate this kind of relationship.
How Do I Get Him To End The Affair Without Forcing Him To Do So?I heard from a wife who said: “my husband told me last week that he has been having an affair for about three months with one of his clients. I assumed that he would stop representing her and would also break it off. He did stop representing her (or so he claims) but he has been honest and has told me that he isn’t sure if he can break it off. He says that she has become very attached and dependent on him and that he had developed feelings for her. Well, I am dependent upon him too because I am his wife. This is not acceptable. So where does this leave me? I want him to end it. I told my best friend that I was going to give him an ultimatum and basically give him no choice. But my friend said this is a mistake. She said that this will make him angry at me and ensure that he falls right into her arms. I know in my heart she’s probably right, but I don’t know what else to do. How do I make him break it off without forcing him to?”