Caso Guilherme de Pádua: Fábio Assunção revela agressão de assassino de Daniela Peres

Segundo o TV Fama, o ator Fábio Assunção declarou que já foi agredido pelo assassino de Daniela Peres, Guilherme de Pádua durante uma cena de teatro. Ele teria levado um soco na garganta, porém a agressão não estava no texto.

Is It A Good Idea To Have A Face To Face Meeting With A Husband And The Woman He Had An Affair With?

I sometimes hear from wives who want to confront or talk to the woman who their husband has been cheating with. Some women even take this concept a little further and decide that they want to meet with the other woman and their husbands all at the same time. Often, they have some things that they want to say to both of them and the wife wants to see their reaction (and how they interact with one another) while this is happening.

Tips On Dealing With Infidelity In Your Marriage

There are many reasons why infidelity can happen in a marriage. It could be the husband or the wife that strayed, either way infidelity is a difficult thing to deal with. It will lead a marriage to a downward spiral and the chance for divorce is great. Below are some tips that may help you deal with the infidelity you may be experiencing.

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