Catadora de reciclagem que sonha em ser modelo encara desafio no Hora do Faro

O Hora do Faro deste domingo (23) contou a história da jovem Mariana, que recolhe material reciclável nas ruas de Brasília para ajudar a mãe, que mora no interior da Bahia. A jovem sonha em ser modelo e veio a São Paulo, para encarar um ensaio fotográfico desafiador.

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Why Do Married Men Cheat on Their Wives? Unlocking the Reasons Husbands Cheat on Their Spouses!

I’m amazed by how many women tell me they have no idea why married men cheat on their wives. I have had numerous discussions with women, where they complain that their husband is having an affair and they have no idea why he would do such a thing. Well it is really not a mystery. There are many reasons men cheat on their spouses. Most of them will not reveal those reasons.

Should I Take Back My Cheating Husband?

I often have wives contact me who confess that they have conflicting feelings on taking back their cheating husband. On the one hand, they loathe his behavior and are still quite angry and resentful. But typically on the other hand, somewhere deep down, the suspect that they still love him and they don’t want to just throw away their marriage over something that they had no control over. I often hear comments like: “he says he’s sorry and that he’ll never cheat again.

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