Cauã Reymond sobre separação: “Tudo o que eu tinha para falar eu falei naquele post”

Cauã Reymond fez sua primeira aparição após ter anunciado a separação com Mariana Goldfaber. O ator foi prestigiar a festa de lançamento da novela “Terra e Paixao”, que deverá estrear no dia 8 de maio. Reymond, no entanto, se limitou a falar sobre sua vida pessoal: “Tudo o que eu tinha para falar eu falei naquele post”

It’s All Too Much! How to Work With Your Emotions to Help in Healing After Infidelity?

If you’ve found out that your partner has strayed, it likely feels as though the world has stopped spinning. You are shocked, betrayed beyond words, angry, confused, and pretty much the whole rest of the spectrum of negative emotions. How can you possible being healing after infidelity? Is moving beyond it really possible?

How Can You Save Your Relationship After An Emotional Affair?

An emotional affair, loosely defined, is a relationship between an attached person and someone else that is too intimate to be appropriate. Basically, to offending partner is emotionally closer to this “other” than they are to their spouse. While different from a “traditional affair”, if you will, these are no less hurtful.

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