Rincoln foi recebido de maneira calorosa pela plateia, que gostou de cara do estilo do caubói. Sozinho há três anos, o jovem está decidido a laçar uma das garotas, mas acabou tendo que laçar primeiro o Pigmeu. Depois de conseguir chamar a atenção de uma das meninas, ele acabou a esnobando e foi escolhido por outra. Será que a atitude pegou bem?
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Does Infidelity Deserve a Second Chance in Marriages?
Since everyone’s relationship is different, so is everyone’s affair. In some cases, spouses may just cheat just to cheat. But in other cases, there is an underlying reason why they choose to do it. Affairs may be extremely painful and severe, but they are very common.
Women And Infidelity – Is Your Wife Cheating?Our culture has taught us to think that women and infidelity are mutually exclusive terms; that women, at least “good girls”, simply don’t cheat. But the facts show a completely different picture. In fact, statistics show that women cheat as much as men and that as many as 40% of married women have had an affair at some point.