Chef Giovanni Renê dá dicas de gastronomia para família que viralizou por jeito de vender empadas

O chef Giovanni Renê, campeão do Top Chef Brasil 3, foi chamado para experimentar a empada da família que faz sucesso na Praia Grande, litoral de São Paulo. Um pai e dois filhos estão se destacando após um vídeo que mostra o jeito criativo de vender empadas, viralizar. Quem faz as empadas é a mãe das crianças, Val, e neste domingo (25), ela recebeu uma aula do chef Renê no Hora do Faro.

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Think Your Spouse Might Be Cheating? Here’s How To Find Out!

Trust is a truly vital component of a healthy relationship with another person. A partnership that lacks trust is surely doomed in the long run. However, in many life-partnerships, there is a partner that is unfaithful. Believing that your spouse might be unfaithful is an awful thought and often impossible to shake until you are sure of the truth. Today we take a look at how a reverse cell phone look-up can help you find out if your significant other is cheating.

Christian Infidelity – God Please Forgive Me For I Have Been Unfaithful

Christian infidelity is very much like any other sin you commit except it’s one that God says is grounds for divorce. It doesn’t mean that you must get divorced or that you can’t be forgiven, but the consequences of your unfaithfulness can result in a divorce.

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