Cissa Guimarães sobre volta à emissora: “Tá me fazendo bem”

Em entrevista exclusiva ao ‘TV Fama’, a atriz Cissa Guimarães falou como tem lidado com o retorno para as telinhas. Afastada das novelas desde ‘Salve Jorge’, Cissa afirma que a situação está “fazendo bem”. #TVFama

Suspicion of Infidelity, Is It Okay To Snoop On Your Spouse To Confirm Your Suspicion Of Infidelity?

When you nurture a suspicion of infidelity on the part of your husband, what could you do? There are many options varying from waiting and watching till the affair comes into the open to confronting your spouse with your suspicion of infidelity. There are wives who will check the mobile phone of their husbands, when the husband is taking a shower.

Save Your Marriage After Your Husband’s Affair by Overcoming Your Emotions

You have found out that your husband has cheated on you. You feel betrayed, angry, hurt, jealous, and uncertain about your future. The pain might feel as if someone close to you has died. In a way, somebody has died. The man that you hoped to be faithful to you, and only you, is no longer the person that you trusted.

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