Clayton e Romário cantam sucesso “Namorando ou Não” no palco do Faro

Com mais de 550 milhões de plays nas plataformas de áudio e mais de 475 milhões de acessos no YouTube, a dupla Clayton e Romário se apresentou no palco do Hora do Faro. Os talentosos cantores agitaram a plateia com o sucesso “Namorando ou Não”.

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When is it Cheating – When Does Flirtation Cross the Line and Become Cheating?

Is there a turning point when your relationship becomes cheating rather than harmless flirtation? Find out when flirtation becomes cheating below.

Save Your Relationship After An Affair – If Your Love Is Stronger Than Mistrust, You Have A Chance!

Affairs happen, sometimes even in the best of relationships, and although cheating causes enormous amounts of damage to the person who was cheated on, trying to save your relationship after an affair is sometimes worth it. It all depends on how the affair happened – was the relationship going through a bad patch, or was it just a one night stand after having one too many at a party? Nevertheless, cheating did occur, and if you really want to save your relationship after an affair, there are certain things to consider.

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