Cléo sobre críticas na internet: “Às vezes eu só ligo o f…”

A atriz Cléo falou com exclusividade com o TV Fama sobre suas reações diante de comentários maldosos na internet. A filha de Fábio Júnior e Glória Pires mandou o recado. Disse que às vezes não tem energia para rebater, já outras: “Às vezes eu só ligo o f…”

How to Romance Your Wife When Your Marriage Is Cracking

If everything you’ve tried so far has only made your marriage worse, then this article will show you how to romance your wife and rebuild your relationship when things are starting to crack apart. Don’t let yourself be victim to ignorance! Read more here.

Why Do Men Cheat With Their Wife’s Friends?

I heard from a wife who said: “out of all the women in our town, why in the world did my husband have to pick one of my friends to have an affair with? It’s as if he picked the woman that I would have least wanted this to be. One of my friends is so pretty, bubbly, and magnifying. My husband knows that I feel insecure next to this woman. He knows that although my friend and I are really close, I’m somewhat jealous of her. In short, this is the worst woman he could have possible picked, in terms of how much it would hurt me. I just don’t get it because now he’s saying that the last thing he ever wanted to do was hurt me. But I can’t believe this. Because by choosing her, he’s assured that I will be hurt at maximum capacity. Why do men chose to cheat with their wife’s friends?” I’ll try to address these concerns in the following article.

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