Com olhos azuis, Felipe ganha o coração de uma das participantes | Vai Dar Namoro

Felipe, de 20 anos, chegou ao palco do Vai Dar Namoro com uma dancinha para conquistar as meninas. Felipe trabalha com banco de dados e disse que está encalhado há 5 meses. Gosta de mulher dançarina, sorridente e jogadora. Nas horas vagas, ele joga basquete e enfrentou um desafio no palco. A ex-namorada, Emily, mandou um vídeo falando sobre um PT que ele deu.

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Signs of a Cheating Husband – How To Discover If Your Husband Is Unfaithful in 2011

Did you know that almost 5 out of 10 women will be cheated on in 2011? It’s a terrible thing, but our society has a higher rate of infidelity than we’ve ever seen before, and since there’s no sign of a decrease in the frequency of affairs, it’s probably about time that you figure out how to identify the signs of a cheating husband that will expose the truth. If you want to know how you can catch your cheating husband as fast as possible (so he doesn’t have the chance to sleep with anymore women!), then this article is for you.

A Story of Healing From Infidelity

In continuing my work to share stories of couples who sit on my couch, it is my goal to provide hope and encouragement out there to those who are struggling in their marriage. Infidelity is one of the most painful and difficult challenges for a couple to work through because it pulls the floor of safety and security right out from under you. But the marriage can be restored.

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