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Edição: Tio Flash | @junioflash


3 Reasons Why Cheaters Risk It All For 30 Minutes Of Delight

Why do cheaters decide to throw away their marriage or relationship for a youthful fling? Is it a sickness or just down right selfishness? The following information should provide insight as to “why”.

Why Would A Man Who Had An Affair Still Act Possessive Toward His Wife?

“It has been five weeks since I found out about my husband’s affair. On weekends, he is staying with his brother because I am so angry with him that I don’t necessarily want him here. Lately, I’ve been trying to go out with friends on my weekends. I feel lonely being here all by myself. Last weekend, I was out with coworkers. There were a few men there, but I wasn’t looking for any romantic encounters. My husband called me while I was out and he heard some of the men talking in the background. He became very angry. He said that ‘his wife’ should not be seen going out with other men. What a double standard. I told him that he had no claim whatsoever on me. He told me that I am still his wife and that it isn’t appropriate for me to be out like this. But here is what I don’t understand – why would a cheating husband think that his wife belongs to him when he gave up any claim when he cheated? I just can’t understand that thought process.”

I Know That I Should End The Affair, But I’m Struggling To Make A Firm Decision

“I know that I need to end my affair. But the other man has almost become dependent on me emotionally. I don’t think that he is going to just accept my ending it. I think that he will be devastated and will try to talk me out of it. And I know that we are both going to be hurt. I have developed quite strong feelings for him. To be honest, I don’t want to end it. But I know that I have to and need to end it. My children are more important to me than anyone else – including the other man. I know that jeopardizing their family is irresponsible and inexcusable. So I need to end it. I am trying to make a firm decision about this because I know that my wavering is not going to benefit anyone. When I think about making a firm decision, I feel sad that it is coming to an end and then I want to call or see the other man. So I worry about my ability to make a decision and carry it out. How do I make this decision so that it will stick?”

Recognizing the Purity of Love

In the youthful passions of mind one is always susceptible to emotional abuse and despair in love. Youth and love are inseparable in the way both coincide to arouse in human beings the most adventurous and passionate feelings.

I Overspend To Make Myself Feel Better After My Husband’s Affair

“I fully admit that I have made my husband pull out his wallet since I caught him cheating on me. He’s begged me not to leave him. And in truth I don’t know that I want to leave him. But I do want for him to pay. I took my mother on a cruise. I bought a whole new wardrobe. At first my husband tolerated this. I could tell that he did not like it, but he didn’t really say anything. Lately, he has started showing me bills and telling me that we can’t keep going this way and that I can’t keep spending with wild abandon. I don’t know if he is telling me the truth, but I feel that he just needs to find a way to pay for it all. Because I feel justified in spending a little longer. In truth, I am really not a materialistic person. Material things usually don’t mean too much to me. But I honestly feel completely justified in this because I don’t know any other way to even the score. My husband is so cheap and stingy with money that I know that this is hitting him where it hurts.”

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