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How to Survive Cheating

As one of the most common traits in relationships to date, there are a wide variety of different individuals that cheat on their significant others on a consistent basis. Finding out that your loved one has been cheating on you can be an extremely difficult emotional aspect to deal with but learning how to survive cheating can help you to become a better person in the end.

I Just Don’t Believe That My Husband Still Loves Me After His Infidelity – What Can I Do?

I heard from a wife who said, in part: “my husband had an affair two months ago. We are trying to heal, but no matter what he says or does, I doubt his love for me. I don’t really feel loved. He tells me that he never stopped loving me and he mostly acts sweet and affectionate. But sometimes, the way he looks at me if filled with pity instead of affection. Frankly, every time he tells me that he loves me, there is this little voice in the back of my head that is asking if he loves me so much, why would he cheat on me? I mean, if he was sincere in his love for me, then he wouldn’t need to turn to every one else. At the end of the day, I am just not sure if I believe him. My ears hear what he is saying. But my heart does not believe it. What can I do?”

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