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How Can I Keep My Husband From Seeing The Woman He Cheated With Now That The Affair Is Over?

I often hear from women who are very reluctant to trust their husband again after he cheats or has an affair. One major issue that frequently crops up is the husband seeing, thinking about, or being with the other woman again after the affair has supposedly ended. Usually, the husband will deny that this is going to happen, but the wife has doubts since the infidelity has shown that he isn’t exactly trustworthy. This can leave the wife in a situation where she really does want to believe and have faith in him, but she’s afraid to do so. I recently heard from a wife who asked, in part: “how do I know if he’s going to see the other woman again after the affair? I made it a condition of my trying to save the marriage that he have nothing whatsoever to do with her. And he hesitated. He decided to stay with me and save the marriage. And he says he will agree not to see her again. But how do I know that I can trust him with this? Is there any way to tell make sure that he won’t see her again?”

Affair Survival Rival

You may think that your positive subconscious is an ally, helping you to advance in your struggle. When actually, it’s an enemy that weakens and cripples those very efforts. Suggesting that your partner’s infidelity was just a one-time thing. That it could never happen again. Reinforcing your thought that everything would be alright if you could just get back to “the way things were” before the affair.

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