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Holidays Like Thanksgiving With The Spouse Who Cheated: Should You Spend Them Together?

“My husband’s affair is still really fresh. I only found out three weeks ago. I am still really struggling. And here we are at Thanksgiving. We always alternative between going to my parents’ at lunch and his parents’ at dinner. I am fine with going to my parents for lunch, but I have no desire to see his parents. I have told my husband that I don’t want to go, but he insists that we will make it a short trip and he insists that it will upset our kids to not go. He keeps telling me that he hopes that next year, everything will be back to normal with our family. Of course he hopes for this – as it lets him off the hook. I honestly don’t know if I can sit through the dinner with his parents. But I don’t want to disrupt my kids’ day and I feel like the winter holidays are an important part of childhood. I love my kids and I want things to be as normal for them as they can possibly be. Should I just force myself to go?”

Trust Your Spouse’s Words or Hire a Private Investigations Agency – The Choice Is Yours

Private Investigations can bring to light what was hidden from you and help you to take your decision under a broader perspective with full knowledge of pertinent facts. But you need to be careful and hire a reputed agency that has a proven track record and holds high credit regarding competency and confidentiality.

Even People In Happy Relationships Cheat

There have been studies conducted on couples to find out if people in happy relationships cheat. Amazingly enough, the results from the studies have shown that people in happy relationships do take part in adulterous behavior. The question is, if they are so happy in their relationships, why would they feel the need to cheat?

I Feel Justified In Cheating, My Spouse Deserved It, So Why Do I Feel So Guilty?

“Quite honestly, for the last five years, my husband has been horrible to me. When I lost my job, instead of comforting me and telling me that he would pick up the slack, he encouraged me to take any job that paid right away. As a result, I’m very unhappy in my dead end job but he never seems to care. After I lost a pregnancy, I caught him chatting with people online rather than supporting me. I often feel ignored. So yes, I did cheat with a man at my dead end job. I honestly think that this was a coping mechanism. And I didn’t expect to feel guilty about it because my husband is so awful, that I don’t see how he could ever expect my loyalty. The thing is, I do feel guilty. Every time I lie to my husband or every time I come home late from being with the other guy and he is sitting at home, I feel just horrible about it. And I do not understand why this is. He deserves any bad behavior after the way that he has treated me. So why do I feel so badly about it?”

After My Spouse’s Affair, I Can’t Help Always Pushing Him Away

“After about a month of waffling about what I wanted to do with my marriage after my husband’s affair, I finally decided that I would be open to seeing what happened between us. I told my husband that I was not going to ask him to leave and that, should he do what I asked and be willing to go to counseling and be rehabilitated, then I would be committed to trying to work things out. He agreed. And honestly, he has done most of what I’ve asked. He does go to counseling and even though I know he hates it, he sits there without complaint. He is trying to be attentive to me. The problem isn’t totally with him. He tries to be sweet to me, but I find myself pushing him away. I find myself almost picking fights with him and being deliberately mean. I get angry at myself afterward, but of course by then the damage is done. And I feel like its going to mean that I lose my marriage regardless of how hard we are trying. Why am I pushing him away like this? And how can I stop?”

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