Conheça Matias e Tayara, participantes do “Pronto Pra Fama” no Hora do Faro

O quadro “Pronto Pra Fama” está de volta no Hora do Faro. Aspirantes a cantores, Matias Luz e Tayara Oliveira disputam para ver quem vai se apresentar no palco. Matias é professor de inglês de Fortaleza e viralizou quando um aluno publicou nas redes sociais em que ele soltava a voz. Tayara é de Palhoça (SC) e também fez sucesso na internet cantando na loja em que trabalhava

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Why Are Some Women Sex Addicts/Love Addicts?

Since the beginning of time, sex has given women power in relationships. They may use it as a bargaining chip with men; it may be used overtly or covertly, but many men will admit to being willing to do almost anything for sex or for a woman willing to give them sex. Women are not usually portrayed in this manner. The common stereotype is of a long-suffering, grudgingly-submitting-to-sex, manipulative wife.

Plan For Fun To Help Save Your Marriage

Saving your marriage after an affair requires some hard work and unpleasant tasks but to really be successful, you must also find ways to enjoy being together again. Unless you can find ways to put some joy back in your marriage, how would you be able to bear living together?

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