Conteúdo Extra: Acompanhe os bastidores do Dança Gatinho deste domingo (10)

No programa deste domingo (10), o apresentador Rodrigo Faro e seus convidados homenageiam o grupo sul-coreano BTS no Dança Gatinho. Acompanhe os bastidores das gravações e os ensaios da coreografia com o cantor Biel e o humorista Júlio Cocielo!

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I Don’t Feel All That Sorry For Cheating On My Spouse – Should I Lie And Pretend To Feel Remorse?

I heard from a husband who said: “I cheated on my wife with one of my employees. And the only reason that I stopped is because she caught me. Ever since my wife had kids, she never has had time for me. I repeatedly told her that I needed more of her attention and she accused me of whining. Everyone says that if you are dissatisfied in your marriage that you should be an adult and tell your spouse. Well, I tried that. She didn’t want to hear my complaints. It wasn’t as if I didn’t warn her that I was unhappy. So now she has figured out that I got my needs met elsewhere. It’s like her goal is to get me to sob and beg for forgiveness. I understand that she feels like she deserves my remorse. But honestly, I don’t feel any. If my wife had been a decent spouse to me, then I wouldn’t have cheated. Now, my kids are starting to ask questions and I do feel sorry that I put their family in jeopardy. For their sake, should I pretend like I feel remorse just so my wife will get off of my back?”

Relationship Advice – Is Facebook Ruining Relationships?

Facebook is a phenomenal way of staying in touch with others. But for some, the convenience has turned into an obsession that is actually ruining their marriage. How can a social networking site create such turmoil in a relationship? Actually, there are several ways.

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