Nos bastidores do Vai Dar Namoro, o apresentador Rodrigo Faro mostra o trabalho de Dutra, sonoplasta responsável por inserir música, efeito, trilha e bordões nos momentos certos para deixar o programa ainda mais divertido. Acompanhe!
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What Does It Mean When The Only Reason Your Spouse Stayed After The Affair Was Because Of The Kids?
“When I found out about my husband’s affair, I told him that I was not going to play second fiddle. And I told him that I would not wait around. I hoped that my being very direct in this way would encourage him to end it right away. He did not. He told me that he did, but I caught him continuing to call and text. I made the mistake of telling my kids. After about a month of my husband sneaking around, I didn’t see any more evidence. He ended it. At that time, I didn’t ask him why because I didn’t really care. While working on our marriage, I will admit that I have had a lot of insecurities. And it frustrates my husband. And usually he will tell me that I worry too much. But last night, he got upset with me and admitted that he stayed only because my children asked him to. He said if we did not have children, he would still be with the other woman. What am I supposed to do with this? If I end it because of this knowledge, then I am the one who broke up my kids’ home.”
How Much Information Should I Ask About The Sex During My Spouse’s Affair?“My husband and I are really at odds after his affair. He says he wants our marriage and that he has ended it. I am trying. I do love him. But the biggest problem I have is the sex. I am almost scared to have sex with him. I have this worry that sex with me is awful. Otherwise, why would he cheat? I am worried that sex with her was incredible. My friend says I need to press him to tell me EXACTLY what type of sex they had on each occasion because I need to know exactly what I am up against and what I have to compete with. I understand her thinking. And I am curious, of course. But I am not sure if I want to have this conversation. I am not sure that I really want to know. Because once I do, how can I forget?”
Can You Still Love The One Who Ruined Your Marriage?Cheating is one of the worst things a man can do to a woman and vice versa. Relationships are not always rainbows and pink hearts. True and healthy relationships have arguments, fights. But most important, they have trust, respect, love and communication.
Coping Techniques After The Affair“I am not questioning my decision to stay with my husband after his affair. I know that this is the right thing – the only thing – considering my convictions. And yet I am struggling. I feel almost depressed. I feel as if I have lost so much. And it never seems to get any better. My friends say ‘give it time,’ but I feel like I have and yet I am still so sad and so angry. What are some coping mechanisms that I can use to get me through this?”
Why Do Men Feel Guilty About An Affair When Most Of Them Cheat Anyway?“My best friend at work cheated on his wife. I am not going to tell you that this is an admirable thing to do. But it’s not like he killed someone or anything. Now, this guy refuses to go out and get drinks after work. He preaches to the rest of us. He is so guilt ridden that he immediately goes home after work and basically does whatever his wife says. It’s clear he’s eaten up by the guilt. I feel like this guy is beating himself up needlessly. Overall, he is good person. Yes, he cheated on his wife. But it didn’t mean anything and most of us at this job have cheated on our wife at one time or another. But we move on. This guy won’t move on. Why does he have an overinflated guilty conscience when everyone’s doing it?”