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Things a Cheating Spouse Can Do To Rebuild Trust After an Affair

It’s pretty evident that one of the biggest struggles that our readers are experiencing is rebuilding trust after an affair. If I were to summarize what a betrayed spouse needs for trust to be restored I would have to say that there are basically three things in general: They have to find a way to cope with the immediate emotions, pain and stress (both physical and mental) that is caused by the affair.

Worried That The Other Woman Is Still Thinking About Your Husband? Tips That Might Help

I heard from a wife who said: “my husband’s affair has been over for about three months. I believe him when he says he hasn’t been in contact with the other woman. We have been doing intense counseling and, for the most part, we are doing OK. However, I can’t help thinking about this other woman all of the time. I read some letters she wrote him where she said she’d never loved anyone in the way that she loved him. Obviously, she was very invested in him. I know that it’s silly, but I find myself thinking a lot about her and how she feels now that the affair is over. I know that I shouldn’t contact her, but does she still think of my husband?”

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