“De vez em quando vou parar num karaokê de madrugada”, brinca Marina Ruy Barbosa

A atriz Marina Ruy Barbosa disse com exclusividade ao TV Fama que não costuma se privar de nada por ser uma pessoa pública. Ela diz que esta questão não a impede de fazer as coisas: “De vez em quando vou parar em um karaokê de madrugada” #TVFama

Affair Surviving Strategies – The 7 Mistakes To Avoid At All Cost

The best affair surviving strategies can differ from relationship to relationship seeing as they are based on the individual’s situation. Yet there are some general rules which we can abide by which have been proven by reputable marriage counselors to be damaging to a marriage. If you are trying to rebuilt your marriage after an affair, here are the 7 mistakes which must be avoided at all cost.

Marriage and Infidelity – Is Divorce Unavoidable?

The majority of divorce cases directly related to infidelity are not the result of the affair itself but the lack of courage and patience to work toward saving the marriage. A thriving marriage does not happen on its own, even if there has been no cheating.

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