De volta ao programa, músico faz jogo do beijão com a mulherada | Vai Dar Namoro

Genaro já esteve no programa e como disse Rodrigo Faro, ele “passou rodo” geral. O rapaz tem 23 anos, é musico e trabalha com redes sociais. Ele levou presentes para as meninas e fez um jogo do beijo com a mulherada, mas acabou no “castelo dos horrores”.

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#HoradoFaro #RodrigoFaro #VaiDarNamoro

Why Do Women Cheat on Their Husbands If They Are Supposed to Be Monagomous?

Don’t be fooled into thinking that it is only men who cheat. Common mythology says that women are genetically hardwired to stay home, raise their young and be monogamous. Tell that to the millions of husbands who have suffered through the pain and confusion of having their wives cheat on them! So why do women cheat? Read on and you might be surprised at what you learn

Forgiving Infidelity – Signs That He Is Really Sorry About His Affair

Has your man been unfaithful to you and yet you want to forgive his infidelity? The signs that he is truly sorry and you can thus work at forgiving his infidelity.

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