“Deixa os problemas em casa”, revela Vânia sobre felicidade contagiante ao vender doces nas ruas

Vânia, de 56 anos, sobrevive das cocadas que vende pelas ruas de Rio das Pedras, no interior paulista. No palco do Faro, ela contou de onde vem a alegria contagiante que carrega para superar as dificuldades do dia a dia e tudo o que conquistou como fruto de seu trabalho. Mãe de dois filhos, a “rainha da cocada” também revelou sua maior ferida: a distância do filho mais velho, que não vê há quase 17 anos.

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#HoradoFaro #RodrigoFaro #RainhaDaCocada

Surviving Infidelity – Stop Making Comparisons To The Other Woman

Are you haunted by your spouses affair? You would be like many other victims of a cheating spouse and you may find yourself making comparisons to the other woman. You may be going over it time after time comparing yourself to her wondering if she is prettier than you, has a better body and on and on.

After The Affair – Should You Stay Or Should You Go?

There are lots of things to think about when you’re trying to decide what to do after the affair has come to light. Should you stay with your spouse and try to work through this, or leave them and start over? There isn’t enough room in a short article like this one to cover all the possible questions you might ask yourself, but here are some things you might want to think about.

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