Deolane Bezerra quebra o silêncio e fala sobre apreensão de bens em sua casa

A advogada Deolane Bezerra abriu o jogo e falou sobre a operação policial em sua casa que acabou com carro de luxo e joias apreendidas e outros bens pessoais. A advogada disse que não tem nada a esconder e explicou nos detalhes tudo o que foi feito pela polícia na sua casa. #TVFama

Signs That Your Husband May Be Cheating On You

Determining if your husband is cheating on you can be tricky. You want to be sure about this. Some experts think up to fifty percent of men have cheated when in a relationship.

Even Though The Details Of The Affair Hurt, I Want To Know Everything Anyway – Why?

I heard from a wife who said: “my husband had a three month affair with an old classmate from college. They had both returned to school to get their advanced degrees and they reconnected then. From what I have been able to gather, the relationship was an intense and passionate one. And every time I question my husband and get an honest response, I am hurt just a little bit more. It is like the scab that has started to form gets ripped off all over again. And my husband will resist giving me these details because I am only going to be upset. He says I am only looking to negate the progress that we have made. Why do I have the need to do this to myself and to him? Am I looking to punish us? Do I just like to wallow in the pain? Because at this point, I have no idea what is motivating me.” I will try to address these concerns in the following article.

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