Descubra por que Boninho proibiu a suposta entrada de Eri Johnson no BBB

O ator e apresentador Eri Johnson abriu o jogo e revelou o motivo pelo qual o diretor Boninho o proibiu de entrar na casa do BBB. Segundo ele, que considera Boninho como um grande amigo, disse que o diretor fez isso, na verdade, para protegê-lo.

I Can’t Get Past My Husband’s Affair – How to Forgive the Unforgivable!

I can’t get past my husband’s affair. What victim of a marital affair has not thought of that? Perhaps you thought you could and you are really trying to. You want your marriage to work, but you don’t know how to move past your husband’s infidelity. You made it past the hardest part, which was finding out about the affair. But now what?

Surviving Emotional Infidelity

Dealing with emotional infidelity is important, it doesn’t work by going and shouting out on the rooftops and creating unnecessary tension in your marriage by telling your spouse or your partner you have a thing for someone else. It’s bound to create suspicion, hurt and spread like a cancer that eats away at the fabric of your relationship (unless you are married to someone very strong and capable of handling it maturely). If you think your spouse can take it and you can communicate clearly enough without making it a bigger mess, go ahead.

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