Deu certo? Jogador de futebol usa cara ou coroa para conquistar uma pretendente | Vai Dar Namoro

O jogador de futebol Felipe, de 18 anos, revelou que procura uma namorada para ir com ele para a Itália, onde vai atuar em um time da terceira divisão. Com uma cantada usando cara ou coroa, ele acabou conquistando uma chance de desencalhar!

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Rebuilding Trust – After the Affair

“When trust has broken down, there is no common ground.” So goes the old country music song. And it’s true. There is no common ground when trust has broken down. So, how do you rebuild trust? (Assuming you want to) How do you repair the sacred bond that was weakened by you spouse’s affair?

Why Is My Husband Mad At Me After His Affair?

I recently heard from a wife who was extremely confused and furious. Recently, she had found out her husband was having an affair with a coworker. She confronted him. She had expected him to fall over himself apologizing and begging for forgiveness. This isn’t what happened though. Instead, her husband seemed furious with her for spying on him and confronting him.

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