Dicesar esclarece polêmica sobre comer resto do almoço de Angélica: “Comia o que sobrava”

O ex-BBB Dicésar encontrou o TV Fama e resolveu esclarecer a polêmica sobre comer restos de comida da apresentadora Angélica. A notícia chacoalhou a web após Dicesar dar entrevista a um podcast. Ele disse que não eram restos e sim, parte da comida que Angélica não queria mais.

Is Saying Sorry Vital To Forgiving Infidelity?

For many having your cheating partner say sorry is vital to the healing process but that may not always be necessary for forgiving infidelity. There are many more important steps to follow.

Is Your Husband Having an Emotional Affair?

Do you think your husband is having an emotional affair, but aren’t sure? Maybe he is and you want to know what to do next. Here, I’m discussing the topic of emotional affairs.

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