Luciana Gimenez disse em entrevista ao TV Fama que não vê a hora de fazer duas coisas, assim que se recuperar do acidente. A primeira é voltar a esquiar e a segunda, pular cordas. A recuperação segue com cautela já que uma das pernas de Gimenez ainda está quebrada
Life Is Short – Have An Affair – Good Advice If You Want To Hurt The One You Love
What a shocking statement, “life is short have an affair”. This is not to pass judgment on those who have given in to their desires and had an affair. However, I think it’s absurd to use an excuse like “life is too short, live it up and have an affair while you can”.
Rebound Relationship – Is It Really The Best Solution To Coping With Your Breakup?A rebound relationship is often used to cope with the pain and confusion of breaking up. You do not want to be alone, so you start getting out into the dating world again and consider a rebound date. Accessing the relationship to find your true reasons for being in it is difficult at times.