Dono de faixa de mister é o escolhido da mulherada no Cupido Eletrônico | vai Dar Namoro

O cupido eletrônico chamou e as meninas tiveram que escolher entre duas cestas com objetos que os rapazes levariam para um piquenique com elas. E o escolhido foi Rafael da faixa de Mister Afro Brasil. O rapaz é modelo, tem 26 anos, e estuda gastronomia. Ele ainda desafiou o Pigmeu para uma dança no palco no programa. No entanto, a dança não agradou a mulherada e o rapaz continuou solteiro.

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I’m Worried I’m Spending Way Too Much Time Trying To Fix My Marriage After My Spouse’s Affair

“It’s been eighteen months since my husband had an affair. And we have been struggling to save our marriage for that entire time. Some days I feel that we are making a little progress, but then a few days later, I begin to wonder if we are making any real progress at all. I never would have believed after this much time I would still feel so much doubt and pain. I’m starting to think that my marriage might be over because too much time has passed without seeing any real recovery. I’m starting to think that trying to save this marriage just isn’t reasonable any more. I am tired of feeling insecure and angry all of the time. I am tired of always being suspicious and I know that my husband is extremely tired of this also. I feel like I’m starting to invest too much time in something that is just never going to get any better. How much time should you invest in your marriage after an affair?”

My Spouse Is Paranoid That I’ll Cheat Just To Get Back At Him

“I’ve never cheated on anyone in my life. My husband doesn’t understand this. Yes, I’m furious about his affair. Yes, I have doubts about my marriage. But he thinks that this means that I am going to cheat on him. I have been at my job for a very long time and I have always been close with many male coworkers. This is not anything new. I’ve been going out with the same group of people on Friday nights for multiple years and it has never been a problem. But now apparently it is. Because now my husband is totally paranoid that I am going to cheat on him. I am not going to do that. I might decide to end my marriage because of his affair. No matter what I say or do, I can’t get my husband to believe this. And this is affecting our ability to save our marriage because I am so annoyed by his accusations. I haven’t done anything wrong and I have no intention of cheating. I think that cheaters are weak people who are lacking in integrity. How do I get him to accept this?”

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