Eduardo ficou conhecido como Dudu da Ponte depois de tentar impressionar a mulherada na primeira edição do Vai Dar Namoro. De volta ao programa, ele repetiu o feito para a mulherada e ainda tentou impressionar, convidando-as para a barraca do beijo. Será que rolou?
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Who Is Responsible for Cheating?
Relationships are faced with many obstacles and cheating is at the tops of the list. There are various reasons why someone cheats, however, what’s common is that someone is always hurt. Who is responsible for cheating, the person cheating, the person cheating on or the person cheating with?
What Should You Do When You Can’t Forgive an Affair?Once you discover you’ve been cheated on and betrayed by the one you cherished more than anything in this world, granting forgiveness will certainly be a hard thing to do, and forgetting: not possible! This individual who you trusted, who spoke their vows to you, shattered each of the promises they made on your wedding day. You feel all alone.