FamaCast é o novo podcast do TV FAMA. Segundas, quartas e sextas pelas redes sociais do TV FAMA.
Edmar Colin, Comediante, Ator e Comunicador.


Surviving an Affair – 3 Emergency Steps to Take When You First Discover the Affair

When you first learn about an affair, you feel like a hurricane just passed through your heart. Surviving an affair usually means dealing with awful emotions like grief, anger, frustration and losing most of your self esteem. What you need when you first discover about an affair (right after your heart starts beating again) – is some emergency intervention. Here are 3 tips to surviving an affair – to help you process your feelings and start healing immediately after you find out about the affair.

Survive An Affair – 4 Steps to Stop Comparing Yourself to Her and Survive an Affair

Haunted by your husband’s affair? As if discovering about the affair along with the sleazy particulars weren’t enough, you’re now plagued with a barrage of negative thoughts and emotions – aimed at you, from you. When you are trying to survive an affair, it’s time to become your own best ally. Use these 4 steps to stop comparing yourself to the other woman and start healing.

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