Eduardo Costa volta a polemizar sobre os gays: “São muito organizados”

O cantor Eduardo Gosta gosta de uma polêmica. Voltou a dizer que tem, segundo ele, características de gays, como ser organizado. No ano passado, Costa disse que se considerava um semi-gay e a afirmação causou um reboliço na web

Infidelity – The Role Of Sexual Relationship

Talking about sexual relationships may be considered taboo by some people but we cannot run away from the fact that sexual relationship is a sustaining feature of a marriage. It is the only thing that distinguishes your relationship with your spouse from your other relationships. Infidelity is often to do with sexual contact. If your spouse has friendship with another person of your sex, you may still dislike it but if there is no sexual intercourse between your spouse and the other person, you may not view that kind of an infidelity as a serious problem.

Does Coping With Infidelity Seem Impossible? Discover the Secrets to Moving on After an Affair

Infidelity can be a truly damaging event in any marriage, but it doesn’t need to mean that your marriage is doomed to fail. Here you’ll discover how to overcome the challenges of infidelity and rebuild your marriage stronger than ever.

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