Eliezer e Viih Tube participam do quadro Deu a Louca no Faro | Hora do Faro

Neste domingo (26), o casal Eliezer e Viih Tube participam do quadro Deu a Louca no Faro. Não perca, a partir das 18h, na tela da Record TV!

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How to Survive An Affair – Avoid The Number One Mistake People Make Trying To Survive An Affair!

It is well known that about 50% of marriages end in divorce. But according to statistics, at least 65% of men and 45% of women admit to having extramarital affairs. This means that not all marriages where one partner has cheated end in divorce.

I Think My Partner Is Cheating on Me, What Do I Do? How to Handle an Affair and Cope With a Cheater

If you think that your spouse is cheating on you, you need to learn what to do. You need to learn how to handle an affair and cope with a cheater. You are going to be the dominant one here and you are going to control what happens. You are done being the one on the sidelines, waiting in fear what is going to happen next. You need to take control.

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