O TV Fama encontrou o casal Ellen Rocche e Guilherme Chelucci e, é claro, não teve como não perguntar sobre o casamento dos pombinhos. Será que vai rolar? Os dois, no entanto, fazem mistérios. “Já estamos morando juntos. A gente pulou a etapa do casamento, por enquanto”, contou Ellen.
Your Husband’s Affair – Should You Or Shouldn’t You Confront the Other Woman?
When you have confirmation that your husband is cheating on you the first thing that most wives want to do is confront the other woman. But confronting the other woman may not always be the best thing for you to do. Confronting the other woman can have adverse affects on the relationship you’re trying to save. Here are 5 great reasons why you shouldn’t confront the other woman, and how to confront the other woman if it’s absolutely necessary.
Sex Differences Regarding Emotional and Sexual InfidelityInfidelity is the unmatched source of relationship dissolution and the authors wants to investigate whether the sexes react to it in the same way. The author’s hypothesis is that there is a difference in the way we perceive sexual and emotional infidelity and the researchers have made a test to investigate this.