Enrico tenta impressionar ao mandar cantada enquanto faz malabarismo | Vai dar Namoro

Enrico, DJ de 24 anos, inovou e lançou uma cantada enquanto fazia malabarismo. Na hora de escolher, as meninas insistiram que Marcela havia se interessado. Será que ela vai querer descobrir os remixes do rapaz? Entrando no clima, Faro tenta aprender a dançar com Vanessa Lopes. Confira!

Inscreva-se no canal Hora do Faro: http://r7.com/cMXe
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Site oficial: https://recordtv.r7.com/hora-do-faro

#HoradoFaro #RodrigoFaro #VaiDarNamoro

Couples Surviving Infidelity, Breaking the Chain

All couples, draw a line in the sand when it comes to infidelity. Under no circumstances, do couples compromise or say “Well it’s okay, everybody makes mistakes” or bend the line drawn in the sand, just to let their cheating partner off the hook. No way, what planet you from? You broke the line, you cheated on me and “YOU’RE OUTTA HERE”.

How To Survive An Affair – Keep Smiling

When it comes right down to it how to survive an affair is going to be something both parties need to understand and work on. They need to know and understand there is help and they need to know how to get it.

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