Eri Jonhson revela desentendimento com Guilherme de Pádua antes do crime: “Eu não falava com ele”

Durante entrevista exclusiva ao TV Fama, o ator Eri Jonhson, que trabalhava com Daniela Perez na novela ‘De corpo e alma’, falou como foram os últimos momentos ao lado da atriz. O ator, que atualmente apresenta o ‘Bom Dia Você’, na RedeTV!, revelou ainda um desentendimento com o assassino da atriz, Guilherme de Pádua antes mesmo do crime. Foi durante uma peça de teatro, onde após uma briga entre Pádua e uma atriz, Eri ficou do lado da atriz: “Eu não falava com ele”

Is He Cheating? How to Forgive a Man For Cheating (Be Grateful for The “Gift” He Leaves Behind)

Fact: Men cheat. Not all. But many. And the unfortunate thing is, in my view, most articles, or magazines advice columns, or blog posts that talk about why men cheat, how to catch them and what to do IF it happens… completely miss the point.

My Spouse Feels Betrayed And Angry That I Told Other Family Members About His Cheating

I heard from a wife who said: “my husband and I are struggling to pick up the pieces after his affair. For a while, I didn’t even know if I was going to give him a second chance. But for the last couple of weeks, we’ve been trying to reconnect and see what happens. Last night, we were at my parents house for dinner. My grown children were there also. After dinner, my husband was sullen. I asked him what was wrong and he said that he could tell that I had told every one about his affair. He said he could tell that people were staring at him and acting differently around him. The truth is, I did tell everyone there about his affair. I am very close to my parents. And I told my children because I wanted to warn them that I might be moving out. I don’t get why he’s so angry and I almost don’t care. If he hadn’t cheated, then I wouldn’t have anything at all to tell my family. This is his own fault. Is he ever going to get over this?”

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