Erika Schneider tenta convencer Bil Araújo a desfilar no carnaval: “Tá difícil”

Erika Schneider já está pronta para desfilar pela ‘Águia de Ouro’ no carnaval de São Paulo deste ano. Entretanto, a musa revelou com exclusividade ao ‘TV FAMA’ que está tentando convencer seu namorado, o ex-bbb Bil Araújo, a também participar dos desfiles.

“Eu estou tentando convencer mas está difícil. Acho que ele vai querer ficar só no cantinho. Ele até postou um vídeo esses dias tentando sambar e a galera deu risada”, contou a bailarina. Confira! #TVFAMA

The Welcome Drink

Greeting your guests with a welcome drink is the perfect way to set the tone for an event. If you take a little time to plan your welcome drink in advance, each guest will have a delicious drink in hand within minutes of arrival. They will have been warmly welcomed by the host and be ready to mix and mingle accordingly.

The Best 4th Of July Party Idea Ever Conceived

The Fourth of July is the second most important holiday set aside for celebration and partying in the US, following New Year’s Eve as a close second. Daylight hours during Fourth of July weekends are filled with an assortment of parades, picnics, barbecues, and outdoor entertainment events, while the evenings are reserved for parties and fireworks. Learn how one financially challenged neighborhood put on a street party for hundreds of people and not only charge no one an entry fee, but ended up having money to pay for a neighborhood beautification project afterwards. This is a heart warming and inspirational story to say the least.

How to Childproof Your Home Theater System

One of the best parts of the house is the theater room. Oftentimes, it is where family members are gathered to watch a Hollywood movie or to sing current pop songs. However, if you have children, you need to be extra careful with this. Children most likely have the tendency to touch everything they see. The following simple tips might help you to childproof it.

Carnival Ride Rentals for Summer Camps

The virtues of the summer camp counselor are twofold: for one, they give kids a fun, memorable summer experience that they’ll think back to time and time again as they grow up. For another, they save their parents quite a bit of effort; nothing takes more energy than keeping kids entertained during the long summer months.

Family Time Should Be Fun Time! Not Worry About Money Time! How To Have A Good Time on a Low Income

The economy has hit the nation very. Families are having a hard time paying bills. People are finding it very difficult to even find a job to pay those bills. With all the financial strain, people are spending less and less. The average family with two parent income are trying to save every penny. In the process of saving and not spending, the children suffer. The children feel that there isn’t enough activities for them to do because almost everything requires money. Families are not going on vacations like they use to. The children are faced with talking on the cell phones, playing video games, are spending more time surfing the Internet. P

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