Erika Shneider suja look no desfile da São Paulo Fashion Week: “Eu não dou conta”

A modelo Erika Shneider, mesmo após ter sujado o look do desfile na São Paulo Fashion Week, esbanjou simpatia com a equipe do TV Fama. Solteira, a loira disse que não da conta de usar roupas claras.

He-She Had an Affair – Not the End

An affair can seem like the end of the world to some people. An affair makes the marriage feel like it is falling apart and that all that is left to do is end the relationship.

How To Fix Your Marriage After An Affair

An affair can ruin any marriage but this doesn’t have to be the case. If you know how to deal with the affair and begin the healing process as soon as possible, you can have your marriage back.

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