Esposa de Pedro Scooby, Cintia Dicker, anuncia gravidez

O ex-BBB Pedro Scooby será papai pela quarta vez. A esposa dele, Cintia Dicker, anunciou a gravidez. O casal, de forma descontraída, ainda fez um vídeo para falar a novidade. Utilizaram a distração típica do surfista como narrativa do vídeo.

Is Your Spouse Cheating On You With Another Valentine?

Worried that your spouse is cheating and has another Valentine? There are some things you should do to restore the love and support that has been missing in your marriage.

My Husband Says He Didn’t Leave The Affair Because The Other Woman Was Blackmailing Him

I heard from a wife who said: “I found out two weeks ago that my husband has been cheating on me with a woman who works at the grocery store where we shop. He initially tried to tell me that it only lasted for a couple of weeks, but I got a hold of his phone records and it obviously lasted for much longer than that. In fact, it lasted for months. So when I confronted my husband about this and asked him why he would remain in a relationship that he claimed meant nothing to him, he said that he only stayed in the relationship because every time he tried to break it off, the other woman would tell him that she was going to tell me everything the next time that I was in the store. So he remained in the relationship because he didn’t want for me to find out. Is this even possible? Because this sounds like such a bogus excuse to me. And even if it’s true, if he wasn’t getting something out of the relationship, I can’t imagine him staying even if he knew I’d found out. “

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