Estudante recita poema, mas não impressiona meninas | Vai Dar Namoro

O estagiário de direito Yan, de 20 anos, nunca teve uma namorada e foi o primeiro escolhido pelas gatas do Vai Dar Namoro. Para impressionar as meninas e finalmente ter um amor para chamar de seu, ele recitou um belo poema.

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Cheating on Your Partner: Everybody Is Doing It

Cheating on your partner: not a good way to handle a problem with your relationship. Many times arguments can get extremely emotional and a lot of harsh things are said, but sometimes a participant in the argument takes it too far and thinks that cheating on their partner will solve something. All cheating will do is cause heartache and pain.

Should You Forgive Cheating Men?

The way you deal with cheating men says a lot about your self-esteem and self-confidence and how much you value yourself as a person. No one deserves to be cheated on, and no matter how much he may try to blame it on you, the truth is that it is not your fault.

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