“Eu só queria ir ali como alguém normal”, diz Juliana Paes sobre a parte ruim da fama

A atriz Juliana Paes falou com exclusividade com o TV Fama durante o lançamento do filme ‘Predestinado’. Durante o bate-papo, a atriz mencionou sobre o lado bom e ruim da fama: “Eu só queria ir ali como alguém normal”, disse rindo. #TVFama

Do You Think Your Partner Is Cheating On You?

Have you ever noticed your partner suddenly taking more care of his/her mobile, keeping it password protected, not leaving it lying on the bed, always keeping it by his side? Has he lately started going out to talk over the phone?

Communicating After An Affair – Can You Get Him Back?

How can you get the truth from your man after an affair? It’s not as hard as it sounds…

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