Ex-BBBs Lucas e Eslovênia comemoram 1 ano juntos e aconselham novos casais de reality: “Paci

Ex-BBBs Lucas Bissoli e Eslovênia Marques abriram o coração ao TV Fama. Além de estarem comemorando um ano juntos, o casal deu conselhos e revelou o segredo de como manter o amor em alta mesmo após o reality: “Paciência”

My Husband Is In Love With Another Woman! Helpful Advice for Wives

“My husband is in love with another woman,” is something you never imagined you’d hear yourself saying. He’s cheated on you and now he tells you that it wasn’t just about physical intimacy at all. He’s developed feelings for the other woman and he’s not sure what he wants for his future.

Why Did My Ex Cheat On Me

You’ve been cheated on. This is something that can either break you or make you. This is one of the most heartbreaking things you will go through in life besides a death of a friend or a family member. You will most likely go through a “mourning” period that will leave you devastated and confused.

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