Ex-marido de Simaria diz que mãe das cantoras chamava Simone de “gorda e feia”

O ex-marido de Simaria Mendes, o espanhol Vicente Escrig escreveu um livro que vem causado polêmica. O conteúdo revela ataques de fúria da ex-mulher bem como, segundo ele, o menosprezo da mãe das cantoras para com Simone #TVFama

Signs of Cheating Online – Know What They Are

In a world that seems revolved around cyberspace, it is important for most everyone to learn exactly what the signs of cheating on the Internet are. When they are problems that invade the safety net of your relationship, contact an expert in the field of online infidelity investigations to prove or disprove your suspicions.

Can You Recognize Signs of Cheating on the Internet?

Learning to recognize the signs of cheating is important when you suspect online infidelity is occurring in your relationship. The next step is to consult with experts that perform online infidelity investigations that are geared to catch a cheating partner or spouse that is hiding online relationships and other unacceptable activity.

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