Fábio Porchat foi descoberto por Jô Soares aos 18 anos: “Começou no meu programa”

Jô Soares, há três anos, foi homenageado durante uma premiação de comediantes – “Prêmio do Humor – e revelou que o ator e comediante Fábio Porchat foi revelado em seu programa. Para se ter uma ideia, Fábio foi ao programa como estudante e pediu para fazer uma apresentação. #TVFama

Startling Facts As To Why Some Men Cheat on Their Wives

When it comes to relationships, it seems like most people tend to wonder why it usually never works out. One of the main reasons would be because the guy in the relationship cheated and the girl simply just cannot trust him anymore. The situation happens too often and a lot of women wonder why men cheat.

Getting Over An Affair Starts With Eliminating The Negative Images From Your Mind

Getting over an affair is no easy hurdle to jump. The images, whether literal or imaginative, play over and over in your head like a horror movie. The worst is, as much as you want to stop that movie from playing, most of us have trouble putting it out of our minds. It becomes almost like a drug, just as for some, that infidelity is a drug. Getting over an affair can be one of the most difficult things a couple may work towards.

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