Família que vende empada na praia ganha prêmio de R$ 10 mil no Hora do Faro

Um pai e dois filhos, que vendem empadas nas praias de Praia Grande, no litoral de São Paulo, conquistaram a internet após um vídeo mostrar a criatividade e o bom humor da família durante as vendas. A família ganhou um prêmio de R$ 10 mil após o chef Felipe Bronze, o influencer Enaldinho, a repórter Thatiana Brasil, o cantor Suel e o Erick Ricarte, aprovarem a empada.

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Site oficial: https://recordtv.r7.com/hora-do-faro

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Before I share with you 3 key things you must know if you want to end an affair, I want to acknowledge you for taking the time and effort to read this article – about how to stop cheating on your partner and save your marriage. Most people might think it’s simple and easy for someone to just stop cheating. Unfortunately, it’s more challenging than it seems and as you read on, you will find out why…

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