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O jornalista David Coimbra morreu nesta sexta-feira (27), aos 60 anos, em Porto Alegre. Ele estava internado desde domingo (22) no Hospital Moinhos de Vento para tratar um câncer no rim descoberto em 2013. David deixa a esposa, Márcia, e o filho, Bernardo, de 13 anos.
Desde 2013, o jornalista transitava entre Boston, nos Estados Unidos, e o Brasil, para realizar tratamento experimental contra a doença. O câncer foi tema do último livro de David Coimbra, “Hoje eu venci o câncer”, lançado em 2018, no qual o jornalista relata como descobriu e quais métodos o ajudaram no tratamento.
Surpresas? Segredos? Bastidores da TV e do Cinema. As notícias atuais e o melhor da história da TV e dos famosos, curiosidades sobre o mundo das celebridades, o melhor dos programas de fofocas e o melhor das novelas, filmes, séries e dramaturgia. Claro que tem cultura, teatro e entretinimento, claro que tem política, as melhores e lançamentos de músicas, e uma pitada de religião e esporte. O que a sociedade quer debater, sem esquecer que adoramos falar do universo LGBTQIA+, gays e lésbicas famosos, aquele que saíram do armário e se assumiram. Então a gente se encontra no PlocSocial.
#PlocSocial #Notícias #Fofocas
Sex For Gold: The Seduction Of An Air Hostess
This is a true story. It happened sometime in the early 1980s on a routine flight from Accra to London. Setting out from Kotoka International Airport that evening, it was little suspected that the next few hours confined in that congested aerial cave would witness a minor drama demonstrating anew the frailty of human nature and the almost irresistible allure of sex and gold.
My Husband Doesn’t Seem Genuinely Interested In Hearing About My Feelings After His Infidelity“When I first found out about my husband’s affair, he stuck to me like glue. He seemed to be so scared that I was going to leave him. I knew that I wasn’t going to leave, but I didn’t share this with him. I wanted him to be scared so that he would think twice about cheating again. Early on, he told me that he wanted to know everything that I was thinking and feeling. He sat there patiently while I talked. He listened and seemed empathetic. But this quickly passed. Now when I want to talk, he will sigh heavily. He sits and he does listen, but it’s clear he’d rather be anywhere else. Last night, we were talking and I said: ‘when this first happened, you told me that you wanted to hear my feelings. Is that not true anymore? Are you not interested in this anymore?’ His response was that he was still interested, but it seems like I’m saying the same thing every time. Maybe I am, but it’s a lot to take. Are men really interested in your feelings after their affair? Or are they just pretending to placate you?”