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Edição: Tio Flash | @junioflash


I Almost Cheated On My Husband, Why Is This Story So Common?

I was reading this story from a 28-year-old Reddit user about how she almost cheated on her husband and it got me thinking that this situation is more common than we might think. Her story is simple. She is married for almost 4 year, dating for 6 years, has a children and she has a perfect life. But one night she went out with her girlfriends for a couple of drinks and there she met this guy that she found it attractive. One thing led to another and she almost went home with him.

I Agreed To Forgive For The Cheating, But He’s Mean And Spiteful Rather Than Grateful

“I did not speak to my husband for weeks after I found out that he was cheating. When I wouldn’t take his calls, he would send me letters. He would email me – anything to communicate – and ask me to meet him in person. Finally, he wore me down a little and I started talking to him. We became friends again first and eventually, we started back in a relationship. Throughout this entire time, my husband was charming, sweet, and kind. Eventually, as we began to invest in our marriage again, he asked me to forgive him. I told him that I was going to need some time and he agreed to give it to me. Slowly, I entertained the thought and eventually, I gave in. I did tell him that I forgave him. And once I did, it was as if a switch had been flipped. He was no longer sweet. It was almost like once he got what he wanted, he turned on me. I have a man who seems mean and mad at me for giving him what he said he wanted. Why is he acting this way?”

Infidelity: The Many Different Masks

This article discusses the prevalence of infidelity and the different forms of unfaithfulness that can occur such as idolizing work, money, hobbies, and adultery. Co-habitation and the negative effects that it can have on marriage are discussed. In addition, the different factors such as later onset of marriage, the birth of children, and co-habitation are factors that can increase infidelity.

I Think I Forgave My Spouse Too Soon After His Affair

“About a week after I found out about my husband’s affair, we stayed up all night talking about it. That was honestly the first time that my husband told me the whole truth. But we had a real breakthrough that night. He talked about his abusive childhood. He cried several times. I felt empathy for him. Once, when he was sobbing, he asked if I could ever forgive him and, without thinking too much about it, I muttered ‘yes.’ I was able to see that my husband was genuinely sorry. However, a couple of weeks later, I started feeling some regret about this forgiveness. My anger started coming back. I started to perceive that my husband thought that since I forgave him, we could move on and not talk about it anymore. This isn’t acceptable to me. My forgiving him doesn’t mean that we don’t have a lot of work to do. Frankly, I’m still angry. I’m still resentful. And I feel like he’s not working hard enough ever since I forgave him. But I know that I can’t take it back or undo what I have already done. How do I fix this?”

5 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Be A Mistress

Some women do not want to marry and have kids. They want to feel loved and appreciated, but they also do not feel like staying with one man. Or at least not for now.

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