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Edição: Tio Flash | @junioflash


Are They Too Close For Comfort? How to Spot the Signs of an Emotional Affair

Do you know the signs of an emotional affair? With more than half of all marriages ending in divorce, it isn’t a surprise to learn about this type of infidelity. This type of affair is difficult to spot, and worse yet, even more difficult to prove. Especially with an emotional affair, even when presented with proof, it is hard to determine the level of attachment. Was this a fling or a long-term affair? Before you can even begin to ask yourself these questions, you need to know the signs of an emotional affair if you think your partner might be up to no good.

Should Your Forgive Him? What to Do When You Discover Your Husband Had A One-Night Stand

If you’ve found out that your husband had a one-night stand, chances are you are feeling hurt beyond words at this moment. The act has raised your suspicions to the point where you are paranoid every time your husband leaves the house that he’ll be out there, doing it again. He has lost your trust and you aren’t sure if you can even stay with him. Your husband had a one-night stand and you cannot understand how it happened.

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