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Edição: Tio Flash | @junioflash


What to Do If You Think Your Husband Is Having an Affair

If you thing your husband is cheating on you then, I know what you’re going through.  It can be difficult when you suspect your partner is cheating–or even if you know they’re cheating, but you just don’t have the proof.  You walk around all day with a queasy feeling in your stomach and you can’t get the thought of him with another woman out of your mind.

Cheating Girlfriend – Why Confronting Your Cheating Girlfriend Is Not As Easy As You Think

Believe it or not but a cheating girlfriend is harder to detect than a cheating guy. Society has a big influence on this. Most of our societies are dominated and governed by the male species. It’s a patriarchal world that we live in, thus, people tend to underestimate the capacities of women when it comes to playing cunning games in relationships. Women are often perceived as more submissive than men and this assumption alone gives them the edge when it comes to cheating. People are easily preconditioned by the image of a woman to be this gentle, docile and often agreeable love maniac who is content with just one man by her side. Incapable of performing such atrocious acts against men, generally speaking women get away with cheating because people unfailingly would always want to believe that all women are a certain way.

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