Fantine relembra briga com empresário na época do Rouge: “Saía gritando de reunião”

A ex-Rouge Fantine Tho, que vive na Holanda há 15 anos, está de férias no Brasil. A cantora bateu um papo com o TV Fama e relembrou da época do Rouge, banda que está completando 20 anos. Durante a entrevista, Fantine relembrou das brigas que tinha com o empresário da banda: “Eu batia boca”

5 Signs Your Boyfriend Is Cheating – And What To Do About It

Do you have a gut wrenching feeling your man is cheating on you? Here are 5 signs your boyfriend is cheating – or may be. Learn what you can do about it to prevent it.

Why Would A Husband Not Try To Make Things Up To His Wife When He Cheats?

I heard from a wife who said: “I find out two months ago about my husband had an affair. I almost walked out on him because I was that angry. He promised he would make it up to me, but he hasn’t even started that process. I am so disappointed. When my sister’s husband cheated on her, he bought her tons of gifts, took her to Europe, and generally followed her around like a naughty puppy for years. But my husband just walks around, tells me that he’s sorry, but doesn’t take any action beyond this. Why hasn’t he done anything to make this up to me? And how can I get him to do more because this just isn’t cutting it?” I’ll try to answer these questions very openly and honestly in the following article.

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