Farofa da Gkay entra na reta final: confira os babados que estão rolando na festa

A Farofa da Gkay se tornou um dos assuntos mais falados na web nesta semana. A festa que reune famosos já está na reta final. No último dia, os convidados prestigiarão um show de Ivete Sangalo. O TV Fama mostra os bastidores da festa. Confira #TVFama

Warning: Facebook May Be Hazardous to Your Relationship

There are more than 400 million active users on Facebook. It has grown into a huge social networking site. While it is useful in that it gives you access to all your networks of friends and family and helps you stay in touch, there are some dangers to be aware of.

Why Would Your Christian Spouse Cheat?

Thousands of alleged Christians, who go to church, raise families and seem like good people are cheating on their spouses. What is going on with Christianity in society today?

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